Welcome to Barkers in Balance.

See our video below from our Founder Julie, who explains how we can support you and your pup on your journey!

We can help you solve these problems and more for you and your beloved dog.

Correct leash walking and minimising pull on the leash is something every owner wants for their walk. When you build a positive relationship with your dog, they will want to stay by your side quite willingly.


After leaving the litter puppies are in need of a lot more puppy life lessons before they turn 18 weeks of age. Deal with boundaries related to toileting, biting, jumping, toys and playing, food and feeding.


This is a course for people who want to develop their dog’s skills even further, participating because the whole experience is thoroughly enjoyable and enriching for dogs and humans alike!


Some dogs begin to grow up and just don’t “get it”, particularly when it comes to being appropriate around other dogs. Before you join the “Midnight Walkers Club”, allow us to help you!


Dog behaviours that humans want to label as “bad” are viewed as normal dog behaviours in the dog’s culture. Through positive reinforcement, your furry friend will learn which behaviours make both of you happy.


Some dogs present with problems that can’t be addressed in a group situation. Some dog owners are not able to regularly attend a course. For these people a private consultation is ideal.


Training Venues