17Charming Cocker Spaniels
The cocker spaniel, often referred to as the American cocker spaniel, descends from the English cocker spaniel. The name “cocker” comes from the woodcock, a game bird that these dogs efficiently flushed out for hunters. Cocker spaniels are known for being gentle, easy-going and affectionate yet lively. They are generally considered good with children. They tend to be non-aggressive toward other animals and people, but that also means they are not particularly good watchdogs.
- There are 2 different kinds – English & American
- They were bred to hunt!
- They are closely related to ‘Springers’
- The Duchess Kate was given a Cocker Spaniel by her brother as a wedding gift
- Presidents Truman and Nixon both had cockers named Feller and Checkers respectively.
Here are some stories from some of our lovely cocker spaniels dogs that have attended our puppy classes, privates or good manners classes over the last couple of years!

This is Ginger the Cocker Spaniel; not a disobedient or poorly trained dog but a little girl with a bit of anxiety and maybe craving a bit more enrichment and direction. She is half way through our Advanced Good Manners course and is really showing progress. A simple message from her human after class today: “Thanks for the help. So it seems Ginger is finally calm!! Been asleep all day.” So fulfilling to know our courses hit the spot for our clients on so many levels!
I am learning more each day about boundaries and rules.
We hope you enjoyed some of our stories about our latest lovely poodles !