Why would my dog and I love an advanced course?

People often finish the first class for older dogs on a high, feeling very proud that their dog has achieved skills they never thought possible. Others see that the dog is being stimulated and responding better in daily life at home.

This is a course for people who want to develop their dog’s skills even further, participating because the whole experience is thoroughly enjoyable and enriching for dogs and humans alike!

The Course?

  • Basic agility (hoops, hurdles, tunnels, simple weaving)
  • Advanced Stays with distractions (food, people, toys)
  • Synchronised leash-walking in close proximity to other dogs
  • Extension of anti-jumping exercises
  • Novelty events and games that combine basic commands learnt in Level 1
  • The beginnings of off-lead practices


Participating dogs must:

  • Have completed a Level 1 Good Manners Course, with at least 80% attendance.
  • Be able to focus on the handler to a reasonable level when other dogs are present.
  • Not be reactive on the leash towards other dogs.


Fern Bay Public School

Your Investment: $280 per dog

Upcoming Level 2 Classes

We predict high demand for this course so please see the upcoming lessons, which are 6-week courses below.

Fern Bay, Saturday, 15 February 2025 at 12:15 pm BOOK COURSE NOW